Our Work
Three Saints, Inc. is a non-profit Italian-American charitable organization dedicated to Saints Alfio, Filadelfo & Cirino. The Society helps raise funds for scholarships, community outreach and multiple charities. Our annual Feast has been held on Labor Day Weekend in Lawrence, Massachusetts since 1923 and continues to maintain the Italian culture and tradition.
Aaliyah Anaskevich
Lawrence High School
Swarthmore College
Forensic Science
Yashly Lopez
Central Catholic High School
Bentley University
Navin Ramesh
Central Catholic High School
Brown University
Environmental Studies and Pre-Med
Emily Packer
Andover High School
Northeastern University
College of Pharmacy & Health Services
Annabel Marie Pierce
Andover High School
Boston College
Health Sciences & Pre-Medicine
Alexandra Tardugno
Methuen High School
Western New England University
Health Science

The 2024 St. Alfio Scholarship winners (Six, $2000.00) as decided by the Scholarship Committee are:
2024 St. Alfio Scholarship Awards
Sal Erna Scars Foundation Scholarship.
The 2023 Sal Erna/ Scars Foundation winner (One, $2000.00) as decided by the Scholarship Committee is:
Aaliyah Anaskevich
Lawrence High School
Swathmore College
Forensic Science

The St. Alfio Society along with the Friars at Holy Rosary Shrine delivered 50 complete Christmas meals to local families. A few extra Christmas meals where also donated to Haven of Hope.

All Saints Day Party
The St. Alfio Society members spent time at The Holy Rosary Shrine Center serving families pizza and cupcakes in celebration of All Saints’ Day!
Christmas Events
The St. Alfio Society along with the Friars at Holy Rosary Shrine delivered 50 complete Christmas meals to local families. A few extra Christmas meals where also donated to Haven of Hope.
Provided gifts to 62 children
Provided Food and Drink to over 250 people at the Navity Play that was held at the Holy Rosary Shrine Center

Charities Supported
Over the last 20 years, the Organization has donated to various charitable organizations such as Lawrence History Center, Holy Rosary Shrine, Daybreak Shelter, National Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, Fidelity House, Greater Lawrence Family Health Center, Kiwanis Club, Lawrence Central Little League, American Red Cross, Creative Living, American Cancer Society, Methuen Festival of Trees, Central Catholic, Corpus Christi Parish, Bread & Roses, Camp Fatima, Holy Name Society, Saint Rita Sodality, New England Veterans Liberty House, Essex County Community Foundation, Immigrant City Archives, Professional Center for Child Development, Lawrence Heritage State Park, Methuen Firefighters Local 1691, YMCA, YWCA, Lawrence Vietnam Memorial, CLASS, Inc., and Lazarus House.